Allyson Schwartz Defeated In Pennsylvania Governor Primary

Posted by blogekiyai on Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-Pa.) lost the Democratic nomination in the race to challenge Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett to Tom Wolf, the Associated Press reports.

In addition to Schwartz, Wolf also defeated state Treasurer Rob McCord and Katie McGinty, a former secretary of the state's Department of Environmental Protection.

A Quinnipiac University Poll in February found that just 36 percent of respondents approve of Corbett's job performance as governor.

The Huffington Post's Amanda Terkel and Samantha Lachman reported on the four-way Democratic primary on Monday:

Gov. Tom Corbett (R) is considered one of the nation's most vulnerable governors in November, inviting Democrats to scramble for the nomination to unseat him. Businessman Tom Wolf appears to have separated from the rest of the field: Rep. Allyson Schwartz, state Treasurer Rob McCord and Katie McGinty, a former secretary of the state's Department of Envir! onmental Protection, are trailing him by double digits in recent polls. A loss on Tuesday would represent a huge disappointment for Schwartz, who was the perceived front-runner until Wolf began pumping millions into his own campaign to preempt the other candidates on the air across the Keystone State. Wolf's momentum has derived from his positive, biographical ads discussing his leadership of his family business, the nation's largest supplier of kitchen cabinets. Schwartz's television ads have been more policy-oriented, as she has touted her contributions to the Affordable Care Act and Pennsylvania's Children's Health Insurance Program.

UPDATE -- 10:34 p.m.: Schwartz sent the following email to supporters Tuesday night:


I'm writing to you tonight to say thank you.

Since I announced my run for governor, you have all been incredible. Whether you've shared a graphic, had a conversation ! that mattered at someone's door, or donated when I asked - I a! m so thankful for everything you have done.

We not only spoke out for public education, for health care for all, and for economic opportunity, but we called for real change in politics in Pennsylvania.

We knew we would change Harrisburg and so many voters agreed with us. And tonight, we did better than any Democratic woman running for governor has ever done in Pennsylvania history, better than any woman running in the city of Philadelphia has done.

We made progress that everyone should be proud of.

Yet, the political pundits, the media, the Harrisburg establishment couldn't believe a woman could serve as governor -- couldn't even imagine it. And denied it even mattered. And while it didn't happen this year -- it will happen in Pennsylvania and across the country.

Because women's accomplishments, women's capabilities and talents must recognized and must be utilized as leaders, executives, and yes, governors!

Even though I won't! have the privilege of serving as your governor, I will not stop working to find the answers to our challenges and the opportunity to achieve our shared goals. I have called to congratulate Tom Wolf on his victory, and he has my full support in beating Tom Corbett in November.

Thank you for everything,


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