While advertising-supported digital media is quickly growing, there are much larger opportunities for adtech companies. This exists in the total addressable market (TAM). This includes e-commerce, retail, e-payments, marketing automation and SAS, says Terence Kawaja, CEO and co-founder of the boutique investment bank LUMA Partners, in this interview with Beet.TV
Kawaja will speak about the implications and opportunities in TAM at DMEXCO next week in Cologne. He give us his preview in this video.
He will also help moderate a Beet.TV leadership summit at DMEXCO on the complex world of adtech vendors and data providers on Thursday at the Videology stand.
We spoke with him for "The Road to DMEXCO," a series of interviews with industry leaders produced in New York, London and San Francisco sponsored by the automatic content recognition (ACR) technology provider Civolution.
Please find more videos from the series here. Beet.TV is a med! ia sponsor of DMEXCO and will be covering the conference extensively.
Programming Note: Our Beet Summit at DMEXCO will be co-moderated by Kawaja. Find the details here.
You can find this post on Beet.TV.
Source : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andy-plesser/video-banker-kawaja-tam-i_b_5766468.html?utm_hp_ref=business&ir=Business