In last week's article, "Can Higher Consciousness Deliver Higher Profits?," we explored the connection between higher consciousness and higher profits. I proposed that it is not only possible to run a profitable business in a higher consciousness manner, it is THE WAY to a long-term, sustainable, and expansive enterprise. A sound business is based on higher purpose, while being value-driven, and service-focused. In today's article, we'll explore nine beliefs that support this new model of conscious business.
To implement this model in a powerful and effective way, you're going to need a new mindset that is aligned with it. This new mindset is characteristic of what I call Second Stage Capitalism™. Second Stage Capitalism™ sees profits flowing from supplying tremendous value in the context of making the world a better place. I've identified nine beliefs that support this New Wealth Mindset.
Before we dive into these belie! fs, let's take a brief look at why your beliefs are so vitally important. A belief is a lens through which you view the world. Different beliefs enable you to see different things. As a conscious entrepreneur, empowering beliefs enable you to see the best opportunities for your business--the ones that expand your business and profits by making a powerful positive difference for your customers and the world.
Nine Beliefs of a New Wealth Mindset
The following nine beliefs will revolutionize how you look at the life of your business. I'll contrast these nine beliefs of Second Stage Capitalism™ with their First Stage Capitalism™ counterparts, so you can clearly see the differences. In every case, the First Stage Capitalist view leads only to short-term rewards--at best--while sacrificing long-term, sustainable, and expanding profits.
1. Abundance: there is plenty for all.
T! here is an infinite supply of business opportunities available! to those who know how to see them and leverage them. In fact, this is the heart of entrepreneurialism. An entrepreneur is one who is able to see what is needed in the marketplace and supply it in a form that consumers want, need, and desire.
This contrasts with a mindset of scarcity, lack, and thinking that there is never enough. Now, we certainly need to be aware of limits to natural resources and how our use of these resources has consequences for ourselves and future generations on the planet. However, we often apply the notion of scarcity outside the realm of natural resources to all business opportunities. This "glass is half-empty" belief will not grow your business. The conscious entrepreneur sees abundant opportunities.
2. We are here to collaborate.
Recent research counters the old Darwinian notion of natural selection through "competition" to show that those who "cooperate best" are actually the ones who not only survive but flo! urish. You could even say that the very idea of "markets" is based on the idea of cooperation.
In a market economy everyone brings specific skills and resources to the table and there is a mutually beneficial exchange so that each receives what they need from others. There is greater efficiency and higher quality in obtaining resources through cooperative exchange. It allows each partner in the system to specialize in providing something well, then exchange it through a system of fair rules of bargaining. The very basis of a market is cooperation.
If competition was the ultimate model, we would just engage in warfare and stealing--obviously shortsighted and unsustainable practices that undermine the cooperation needed for markets to function well.
3. Power arises through collaboration instead of through domination.
Because of the cooperative nature of fair, rules-based markets, power accumulates through collaboration in mutua! lly-beneficial alliances. The more alliances you have, the more power y! ou have in the marketplace. The mindset of domination creates mistrust and alienation, which undermines markets and the mutually beneficial alliances a business needs to be successful in the long-term.
4. The best business opportunities are found in heart-based, authentic choices.
Heart-felt, authentic choices align you with your purpose and create tremendous energy to drive a business forward. You will inspire your team, your allied partners, and your customers, when your business is driven by a passion that excites you and them. In every business, there are challenges. You will meet those challenges and overcome them when you and your team are inspired about the value you are bringing your customers and the world.
5. You find the right opportunities by focusing on future possibilities.
An entrepreneur is not stuck in the past, but uses knowledge of the past to take advantage of present and future opportunit! ies. The future is wide open. It is created by the choices we make today. An entrepreneur is making choices, not based on fear of what has happened, but on optimism for what can happen.
6. There is a flow and synergy to all of Life.
An entrepreneur is always on the lookout for the convergence of present needs and desires with creative innovations. When you believe in synergy and flow, you see the opportunity in every event and believe that everything is moving forward in the best possible way. You understand how everything works together and you make decisions to create more synergy and flow, rather than more division and fear.
7. There are unlimited choices.
No matter what happens, you have a choice in how you interpret it and how you choose to relate to it. News is neither "good news" nor "bad news." News is simply information about what is happening and what someone thinks about it. You can choose to turn inform! ation into business opportunity or not.
8. We are part o! f a united team.
A conscious entrepreneur sees Life as a Whole. Nowhere is this more evident than in our global economy. What happens anywhere affects everyone everywhere. This is a fact of physics and of markets. Therefore, what is good for your business needs to take into account what is good for everyone concerned--your employees, your customers, your suppliers, society, and the planet.
9. You, others, and society win together.
No longer can we afford the small-minded view of disconnected self-interest. Because we are all in this together, we all win together and we all lose together. A conscious entrepreneur takes a wide view of the stockholders of their business, which includes everyone directly and indirectly affected by corporate decisions and policies. When your brand takes this perspective you grow raving fans around the world.
What might happen if you looked at the opportunities for your business through the lens o! f these nine beliefs? What if you raised your own consciousness to that level? What new opportunities might reveal themselves? What difference would you make in the world if this New Wealth Mindset was your dominant business outlook?
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J V Crum III is the founder of; as a business coach, speaker, and podcaster, he is sought after for his unique ability to help conscious entrepreneurs get their voice out there, make a positive impact, and ramp up profits. Listen to the #1 Ranked Conscious Millionaire Podcast, M-F -Business Coaching for Conscious Entrepreneurs. J V holds an MBA, JD and a MS in Psychology; his best-selling book, "Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business by Making a Difference" is available now:!
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