The key to making your bathroom smell better? Turns out it only takes two D batteries and a "smart" toilet seat.
Those who frequently purchase bathroom air fresheners might find their new fix with the introduction of Kohler's Purefresh toilet seat. The new, roughly $120 seat releases a deodorizing air spritz each time the toilet is used, with the help of a fan and some fancy technology.
According to Kohler, that "fancy technology" involves "a deodorizing system that utilizes a carbon filter to neutralize odorous air."
Once the bathroom user sits down, the toilet seat fans out air over one of the three scent packs -- Garden Waterfall, Avocado Spa and Soft and Fresh Laundry. Avocados and laundry smells might trick you into thinking you're in a different part of the house, but we have a feeling the scents all smell better than a typical bathroom.
Wit! h voice-activated coffee makers, audio speakers that will do as you command and an app that can keep house plants alive for you, it looks like we'll be living luxuriously in no time.
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